

On this long weekend retreat, embark on a transformative journey where self-discovery meets detoxification. Experience the cleansing embrace of nutrient-rich juices, harmonised with breathwork techniques, allowing you to not only detoxify your body but also forge a profound connection with your inner self. Leave feeling revitalised, with a renewed sense of well-being and a deep, lasting connection with the essence of who you really are, truly nourishing your soul.
Anapana Ridge, Lesmurdie WA

3pm Sunday 29th - 1pm Wednesday 2nd October

"I know what it's like to feel like you're living life in a tiny little box with no way out. Feeling lost in a sea of swirling thoughts and growing in overwhelm. Childhood trauma, adult depression, overwhelming emotions sent me into a raging bull I didn't recognise and then had me spinning down into deep apathy. I felt like I was trapped in a suffocating routine with no way out. But I discovered a way to break free from that suffocating box I was living in and learnt to truly nourish my soul. And now, I want to share the tools that helped me on this journey with you." - BRITELLE HUMFREY

Join us for an extraordinary Transformational Breathwork and Juice Fasting Retreat that will elevate your soul and ignite your inner fire.

In this sacred gathering, we will delve deep into the profound power of breath and energy. Through Transformational Breathwork, we will unlock buried emotions, release stagnant energy, and create space for profound healing and self-discovery. Allow the breath to be your guide as you journey through the layers of your being, shedding what no longer serves you and embracing a fresh start.

Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal given the right conditions and nutrients. A juice FEAST takes the pressure off the digestive system, thereby allowing real healing to take place. The benefits of this method of detox are far reaching and can even result in health issues dissipating. Regardless of your health goals, the end result of achieving optimum health and improving energy is a great reason to undertake a cleanse!!

This event is an opportunity to nurture your spirit, release blockages, and cultivate deep inner harmony. It is open to all who seek personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual expansion. As well as those seeking to upgrade their health knowledge, detox their physical body and build community connections. No prior experience is necessary—just an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your being.

Discover more about Transformational Breathwork with Britelle

Embrace Transformation and Awaken Your True Potential!


  • 3 nights / 4 days accommodation in the beautiful surrounds of the Aussie bush in Lesmurdie, WA 
  • Nourishing cold pressed juices Homemade delicious broth and organic herbal teas
  • Health Education sessions focusing on emotional well-being, breathwork theory and benefits of juice fasting
  • Discover the connection between emotions and health
  • Connected conscious breathwork and seated breathwork sessions
  • Cold Therapy with Robbie Aquilina - certified Breathwork & Ice Bath Wim Hof and Oxygen Advantage Instructor
  • Morning ritual movement activities including still meditations and noble silence
  • Nature and bushwalk opportunities
  • Workbook and goodie bag full of surprises

A renewed sense of well-being
A deep connection with the essence of who you really are
The tools and know-how to thrive not just survive
A nourished soul and a true love for yourself
A lighter mind, body and soul than when you arrived
Life-long creation of friendships with like-minded people

You will leave the retreat with:

This retreat is for you if you're:

Trapped in a routine of monkey mind thinking and overwhelm
Desperate for tools to support you through the day-to-day stresses of life
Lacking a connection with your inner-self
Ready to let go of the burden of past hurts and pains you know are holding you back
Looking to detox your body both physically and emotionally 
Needing some time away where everything is taken care of for you - you just want to arrive, relax and breathe!

You can also find my retreats on
3.00pm Sunday 29th Sept - Wednesday 2nd Oct 2024
LOCATION: Anapana Ridge, Lesmurdie WA

EXCHANGE: $1,699 shared room, $2,199 private room

Shared room = sharing with a friend(s) or a new friend(s) you're yet to meet! 
Payment plans can be accommodated to suit your needs. Please contact Britelle directly via the details at the bottom of this page.

What other people are saying

We are thrilled to share with you some of the amazing testimonials from our clients who attended our previous retreats.

Frequently asked questions